Nearing 10 Years

July 30, 2022, 12:41 a.m. | Darren, Update, News


This post will be more of a thought process as I write, but as the title suggests, Geospatial Niagara is nearing 10 years old. There are two birthdays - January 2013 which was when I held the Geoniagara community meeting - what I consider the official launch. The second is in June 2014 - that was when non-profit incorporation happened. In the ensuing almost 10 years there have been a number of projects that have gained incredible momentum. The subjects of projects started nearly 10 years ago, are now economic sectors of investment in the Niagara peninsula. These projects include The Niagara Peninsula Aspiring Geopark, treeOcode Niagara, Day of Geography and The Niagara Region Minecraft Project.

GeoNiagara Roundtable Title Slide